Sunday, October 23, 2022

 Some musings over the past week:

Proverbs 17:27: He that hath knowledge spareth his words and a man of understanding is of an excellent spirit.




Be Kind

Imitate Christ

Do the right thing, not the easy thing

저녁에 / In the Night / Kim Gwang-Seop (1905–1977)

Among a multitude of stars,
one stares down at me.
Among a multitude of people,
I stare up at that one star.
As the night grows deeper,
it fades into brightness
and I disappear into darkness.
Where, when,
as what will the two of us…
you, one so warm, and me, one so tender,
meet again?

저렇게 많은 중에서
별 하나가 나를 내려다본다
이렇게 많은 사람 중에서
그 별 하나를 쳐다본다
밤이 깊을수록
별은 밝음 속에 사라지고
나는 어둠 속에 사라진다
이렇게 정다운
너 하나 나 하나는
어디서 무엇이 되어
다시 만나랴
