Thursday, May 31, 2007

A plug for iPod and some pastors

As I was telling some friends, my spiritual life has never been the same again since I bought an iPod recently. I was amazed that there were so many good free Christian podcasts I could download onto my iPod from iTunes.

I've spent many nights downloading the podcasts. The podcasts include sermons and messages by Joyce Meyer, John Piper, Brian Houston (Hillsong Church), James MacDonald, Saddleback Church (Rick Warren's church) etc.

And I also unearthed some American pastors whom I've not heard of but who are really on fire for God. For example, Pastor Joel Stockstill of 220power, the youth ministry of Bethany World Prayer Center. He and his wife have raised up 430 leaders who disciple more than 3,300 students in weekly cell meetings. I like Pastor Stockstill's sermons because he's very down to earth and humorous, and he has a very big heart for God. I enjoyed his recent messages about marriage. :-)

I usually listen to the sermon podcasts on my bed just before I sleep or during my cab rides to the office. :-)

For those who do not have iPods, do not fret. I think that one can still download iTunes software and then go to the podcast centre and download podcasts to the PC and then listen to them.
I am very happy because I can always hear a sermon or a message whenever I'm on the go. Also it means more resources and more of God's wisdom and revelation for me through these podcasts.

For example, I've always thought about what Jesus was writing on the ground in the temple courts after the teachers of the law and the Pharisees brought before him a woman caught in adultery (John 8: 1-11).

A pastor in one of the podcasts said his educated guess was that Jesus was writing the sins of the people in the crowd (perhaps adultery, blasphemy, murder, covetousness, lying under oath ad so on), each of whom left when they saw their own sins in writing because they couldn't claim to be without sin themselves and they were feeling ashamed or fearful of being exposed.

This may not have been what Jesus was writing, the pastor was very quick to qualify, but I was very excited by this possibility because I didn't think of it and I now am aware of it and it seems to me quite plausible. But I must stress that the Bible does not record what Jesus wrote and so the pastor's guess is merely conjecture.

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