Saturday, July 9, 2011

The Church of Christ

I attended a city@prayer session at the Arcade during lunch on Wednesday. The lady leading the session mentioned one of the prayer items - the need to pray for God's forgiveness on behalf of churches in Singapore. She mentioned the fact that some churches have discouraged or even banned foreign workers from their services because of their skin colour and body odour. This filled me with tremendous grief and anger because if that is the kind of church that Singapore is breeding, I want no part in it.

Through His blood shed on the cross and His resurrection, Jesus has thrown open heaven and offered eternal salvation and life to whoever shall repent of their sins, invite Him into their hearts as their personal Saviour and become a disciple by following Him all the days of their lives. How dare we, his believers, erect entry barriers to His church on earth! 

Lord, forgive us, forgive us, forgive us.

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