Monday, March 4, 2013

Seven Fountains and 10 reflections

  • People enrich us, so connectedness is important. Be humble to know that one receives even as one gives. 
  • I can impose clear and strict boundaries in both ministry and life, but rigidity is crippling. God brought to my mind the analogy of water. How I need to be more open and more sensitive. To go with the flow and to be more fluid in my responses to people and situations.
  • Be sure that you love the life you're living now...Then you can trust that God will reveal to you the direction to go when the time comes. Don't try to know now what you only have to know a few years from now.* 
  • Receive God's gifting and calling with joy and use them because they are for His service. Oftentimes, I regard them as a burden and view them with trepidation because I am not sure where they will lead me to. 
  • God knows me through and through. His challenge to me is to open up and become vulnerable to people so that they, too, can open up to me.
  • I have to trust that the more faithful I am in my solitude, the more fruitful I will be in my community.*
  • I need to stay close to the source of all living water - Jesus. Our service for God does not detract from the first necessary thing of spending time in the presence of Jesus. 
  • Why not always give and forgive, encourage and empower, give thanks and offer praise? We have to think generously, speak generously and act generously. When we refrain from giving, with a scarcity mentality, the little we have will become less. When we give generously, with an abundance mentality, what we give away will multiply.*
  • To have courage is to listen to our heart, to speak from our heart and to act from our heart. Our heart, which is the centre of our being, is the seat of courage.*
  • At the core of Jesus is a heart of compassion.

* Extract from Henri Nouwen's Sabbactical Journey. 

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