Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Counting our days aright

Listened to a wise, sensitive and considered sermon by former Methodist Bishop Robert Solomon on Counting Our Days Aright, based on Psalm 90. Drawing on verse 12, teach us to number our days aright, that we may gain a heart of wisdom, he notes that all of us have expiry dates and the difficulty is that we don't know how to count down our days. Because of God's grace, we have "more beyond". Our blessings from counting down our days, that is, living wisely, are satisfaction with God's blessings, gladness, the abiding presence of God and His enduring word. If we are willing to die, then we live. We are wasting away physically as we age, but inwardly we are being renewed. All is not in vain because Jesus rules over our lives. Let us start counting down our days and use the remaining time for His glory.

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