Thursday, March 15, 2007

Returning to the source

Yesterday, I was wondering what book of the bible to do a serious study of (with Matthew Henry's help), and the answer was Malachi. I had chosen it because it was the last book of the Old Testament, and I just wanted to proceed from the last book all the way till Genesis. And then I would go through the New Testament.

I had no inkling of what Malachi was all about, but when I read the first few lines, it read like God's personal rebuke to me. I felt extremely chastened by especially these words:

"A son honors his father, and a servant his master. Then if I am a father, where is My honor? And if I am a master, where is My respect?" says the Lord of hosts to you, O priests who despise My name."

It caused me to do a spiritual check, and there are many areas where I have been found wanting, and in which I need to be less flippant about. I need to remember not to take God for granted but at the same time, I also need to be aware that I'm not saved by works but grace through Christ's sacrifice on the cross and that good works come about because of my response to God's grace and in testimony of my faith in him.

Thus my first and most important consideration is always developing my personal relationship with Christ - always seeking to be in the inner courts. That I need to look out for instances where I could be too busy concerning myself with works that I forget to go back to the source - God - and rest in Him, and spend time with Him.

A pastor once said that it's very easy to gauge how our walk with God is by the way our relationships with others are coming along.

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