Saturday, February 10, 2007

A break from the order

I went down to take the transport van after work today. The transport clerk J came up to me (he had a very broad smile) to inform me that a former colleague of mine, Y, who decided to become a Carmelite nun, is now on a leave of absence and doing some teaching duties at CHIJ.

He said he had seen her in church (they both attend the same Catholic church). My face lit up immediately because I was so happy to finally get news of her. Before she became a Carmelite nun, she was one of a few colleagues whom I had led in bible study in the office. She turned up for the bible study sessions whenever she could, even when she had already left the office. I was very gratified by her support, her presence and her insights during those sessions.

I remember that the group prayed for her before she went into the Carmelite order. Going into the Carmelite order can be very tough because they are enclosed nuns. Their normal day is spent in solitude, silence and prayer. And according to her, she gets only an hour a day to interact with the other nuns. Apart from that, they spend their life alone in their own quarters in intercessory prayer and communion with God. Coming from a world where there is so much contact with people, it can be very hard and difficult to suddenly be thrust into silence. And the Carmelites do not entertain visits by family members or any form of contact with the outside world. They are allowed out of the nunnery only in cases of family emergencies like the death of a parent. It is a frighteningly isolated world, and it takes a deep conviction that that is God's calling for your life.

I anxiously asked J whether he had her contact number and he said no. I told him to please tell her to give me a call when he meets her in church again. I would dearly love to catch up with her and have her tell me how she has been since the last time I saw her (some years back). As well, we can also share with one another how our spiritual walk with God has been through the years that we haven't met.

I remember I had a pretty long talk with J during that time when Y decided to go into the Carmelite order. Following that, every time J saw me at the transport, he would without fail ask me how Y was and whether I had any update from her.

I'm really looking forward to seeing her soon, just so I can see her and know that she's well and fine.

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