Wednesday, August 15, 2007

That's Gwen for you

Attended Gwen Stefani's concert yesterday night. She mentioned in her concert that she found it hard to comprehend that a girl from Anaheim would fulfil her dream and ambition and one day be performing in front of a Singapore audience. She also said that she was thankful for people who listened to her music because that was what kept her going in her passion.

The concert was world-class. I didn't really know her songs but I liked her music, I liked her style and I liked her personality. She's got a fantastic group of dancers and band backing her. She was fantastic and the band's music was very tight.

During the concert, she came down to the audience level. She was running around the seats and then she appeared to our left, just one row away. I, of course, forgot my dignified self and everything else, and just flung myself in that direction. My four other friends stayed in their seats.

I had to battle a big and beefy bouncer plus screaming teenagers in order to get as close to her as I could. How close was I? I managed to touch her arm!!!!!!! I took three shots of her through my handphone but unfortunately, the screaming and the shoving meant that my shots of her turned out so blurred. Sigh...But this was the first time I was so close to a concert performer (two persons away).

After a while, she moved on and I had to escape arms and bodies and legs as I struggled to get back to my seat. My four friends were a bit mortified by my behaviour but well, that's me. :-)

All too soon, the concert ended and it felt too short. Gwen Stefani's really a wonderful singer and performer and I hope she comes back to Singapore soon.

And to my four friends, C, L, P and SL, I had a fantastic time in the presence of a world-class performer and great company. Thanks for making the night such a memorable one for me! And thanks for the concert treat!

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